Evolution of x-rays have been quite noticeable over the years. Traditiaonal x-rays are also considered safe but less enviormently-freindly and don’t provide as clear images as digital-xrays deliver. If we mainly we talk about saftey, Digital x-rays are often considered safer than traditional film x-rays.

What are Digital X-Rays?

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Medical professionals utilize digital X-rays to capture images of the body in cases of fractures. The results of digital X-rays help doctors in examining patients’ bodies and recommending appropriate treatments. Traditional x-rays are also used for the same purpose but when it comes to aacuracy and effiency, digital x-rays win the battle.

Here are 2 main reasons to support this fact:

1- Less does of radition – Yes! Its ture old xray systems cause more radiation which sometimes might cause concer to people of all ages. Digital x-rays systems use very less radition to capture images and this makes digital x-rays a lot safer.

2. Enviroment Frindly – Traditional fiml bases x-rays need chemical process and this can a bad impace on the enviornemnt if we don’t despose them properly. On other hand,Digital x-rays eliminate the Digital x-rays eliminate the need for these chemicals, making them more environmentally friendly.

Overall, while both traditional and digital x-rays are valuable diagnostic tools, digital x-rays offer several advantages in terms of safety, efficiency, and environmental impact.